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Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Wythnos Blychod Nythu National Nest Box Week

Eisiau 100,000 o gartrefi gwanwyn yma

Yn ystod y gwanwyn mi ddaw dros 100,000 o wennoliaid duon adref o’i gwyliau yn yr Affrica, ac mi fyddant yn edrych am gartrefi i fagu teulu.

Mae llawer o’r adar eiconig yma yn defnyddio'r un nyth pob blwyddyn, ond i lawer fydd y safle nythu ddim ar gael eleni. Drwy gynnal a chadw ein cartrefi mae'r llecynnau nythod yn diflannu drwy ail osod toeau, a'r bondo.

Fel rhan o Wythnos Blychod Nythu 14- 21 o Chwefror, mae’r BTO mewn cydweithied hefo Jacobi Jayne, a chefnogaeth mudiad Cadwraeth y wennol ddu, yn calonogi i bobol osod blychau nythu i’r adar yma.

Dywedodd Jeff Baker o’r BTO “ Mae'r wennol ddu mewn trafferthion. Dros y degawd diwethaf rhydem wedi colli dros chwarter o’n parau nythu. Mae nawr yn amser addas i roi help llaw i ymwelwr yr haf yma, cyn i bethau fod yn rhu hwyr. Wrth osod blwch o dan y bondo mae yn bosib ail greu man nythu a chaif' i golli
Atebodd Edward Mayer, or mudiad cynghori'r wennol ddu “ Mae sawl ford o wneud eich cartref yn addas i’r wennol ddu, o flychod adeiladwyd i bwrpas wedi gosod yn eich wal, i rai mwy traddodiadol wedi gwneud o bren ai gosod yn y to. Mae yna ateb i fawd”, Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar ein gwefan 

Tydi wythnos blychod nythu ddim ond am y wennol ddu. Yn cael i lansio ar ddydd calon, mae hyn yn amser traddodiadol pan mae adar yn chwilio am bartner cyn y tymor nythu o’i blaen. Nawr yw'r amser gorau i osod blwch yn eich gardd. Mae sawl math, o’r blwch traddodiadol hefo twll 25 mm i ditiwod, i dwll 45 mm i’r ddrudwen. Am fwy o fanylion cysylltwch â gwefan y BTO 
  neu  cliciwch yma

                                                                                                          llun John Black
                                                                                                                                      llun Graham Roberts

100,000 homes needed this spring 

This spring, an estimated 100,000 pairs of Swifts will return from their winter holidays in Africa to once again grace the skies of Britain, and they will need somewhere to raise a brood of youngsters.

Many of these iconic birds will make their way back to the same nest that they have used for several years, but for some the old nest will no longer be available. As we repair our soffits, insulate the loft and replace the old roof with a new one we block-up the holes, nooks and crannies that provide Swifts with just what they need to make a home for the summer
As part of National Nest Box Week (NNBW), 14-21 February, the British Trust for Ornithology, in partnership with Jacobi Jayne, and with support from Swift Conservation, are encouraging people to put up nest boxes for these wonderful birds. 

Jeff Baker of the BTO, said, “The Swift is in trouble. During the last decade we have lost over a quarter of our breeding pairs so now is a good time to try and help this majestic summer visitor before it is too late. By putting up a nest box just under our eaves we can provide the much needed nesting space that has been lost.” 

Edward Mayer, of the Swift Conservation advice service, commented,“There are many different ways of accommodating Swifts on your property, from purpose made boxes that fit into a wall, to more traditional wooden boxes that can be fitted close to the roof. There really is a solution for everyone and every Swift, so go on, fit a Swift box this National Nest Box Week! You can find out how to do it at our website, 

NNBW isn’t just about Swifts. Launched on Valentine’s Day, this is traditionally the time of year when birds begin to pair-up prior to the forthcoming breeding season, so now is a great time to put up a nest box in your garden. There are many different types that can be used, from a traditional box with a 25mm hole for Blue Tits and Coal Tits, to one with a 45mm hole for Starlings. For more information, visit the BTO website,

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Max Nicholson

Max Nicholson – leading ornithologist, cofounder of the BTO, environmental revolutionary and giant of conservation.
There will be a talk by Geoff Radford to the North Wales Wildlife Trust and the Bangor Bird Group, Brambell Building, Deiniol Rd. Bangor Wednesday 22 February  7.30pm    

Further details from Kelvin at the BTO Cymru office or 01248383285

Max Nicholson - prif adarydd, cydsefydlwyd y BTO, chwyldroadwr  amgylcheddol, a chawr o fyd cadwraeth.
Mi fydd sgwrs gan Geoff Radford i aelodau Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gogledd Cymru, a Grŵp Adar Bangor, yn adeilad Brambell, Ffordd Deiniol, Bangor. Nos Fercher 22 Chwefror am 7:30.

Am fwy o fanylion cysylltwch â Kelvin Jones swyddfa BTO Cymru
01248 383285 neu e-bost