BTO Cymru

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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Birds of Meirionnydd

The Birds of Meirionnydd has just been published by the Cambrian Ornithological Society. Its author, Rhion Pritchard, has made a really good job of writing up the current status of each species recorded in the county. The book is an A5 softback, similar format to the Cambrian Bird Report, with 210 pages plus 8 pages of habitat photos.
The previous county avifauna by Peter Hope Jones was published in 1974 so an update is really needed, especially as much more information is now available on the commoner species because of surveys carried out since then. Rhion draws heavily on BTO surveys including WeBS and the latest Breeding Atlas.
Many species have a much changed status, the Red Kite for example.  In 1974 Hope Jones wrote ‘... a pair or two have bred on several occasions in Merioneth’  whereas now ‘Fieldwork for the 2008-12 breeding Atlas recorded this species with breeding codes* in 117 tetrads out of 463, making this the second most widely recorded raptor in the county after the Buzzard’. The Hobby has appeared as a breeding species, but Kestrels and Merlins have declined. Let’s hope this book will stimulate more field trips to track down the more elusive species, such as Nightjar and Long-eared Owl.
*meaning with Atlas codes indicating at least ‘Possible’ breeding
Copies are available from Geoff Gibbs, Fronwen, Valley Road, Llanfairfechan LL33 0ET for £7.50 plus £2 post and packing. Cheques payable to ‘Cambrian OS’ please.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Bob Haycock, Pembrokeshire RR

Pembrokeshire regional representative Bob Haycock being congratulated on his appointment of the regional network committee by Bob Harris the chair, at the recent regional representatives conference at Carlisle.  Bob brings to the committee a lifetime of experience of working in nature conservation, from Observatory warden to latterly (before his retirement in 2011) CCW's  Senior NNR Manager in Pembrokeshire. He was awarded an MBE in 2008.

The regional network is the vital link between our members, volunteers and the staff at Thetford, and the committee are there to represent you the members and volunteers through feedback they get from the regional representatives.  

Bob has been a member of the BTO for more years than he cares to remember, and has been regional rep for Pembrokeshire since about 2004. He is assisted by Annie Haycock, who oversees BBS and WeBS in the county

Friday, 26 October 2012

BTO Student Ambassadors Myfyrwyr llysgenhadon

Can I introduce the 4 student ambassadors that BTO Cymru now have at Welsh Universities. Their roles are to promote the BTO amongst the students and to get them actively involved with our survey work. As the conservation professionals of the future the sooner we get them involved with the BTO the better. If this proves a success it can be rolled out to other higher education institutions in the future.

Caf gyflwyno 4 o fyfyriwr llysgenhadon y BTO yn brifysgolion Cymru. Ei swyddogaeth yw hyrwyddo gwaith y BTO ymhlith y myfyrwyr, ac i gael nhw i gymryd rhan yn ein harolygon. Fel y  swyddogion cadwraeth broffesiynol y dyfodol, y cynt meant yn gwybod yn y BTO' y gorau. Os fydd yn llwyddiant mi fydd y swydd yn cael ei lledu i fannau addysg uwch eraill yn y dyfodol.

                                                           Cerian Thomas, Swansea
                                                                James Vafidis, Cardiff
                                                        Myles Jenks, Aberystwyth
                                                               Zac Hinchcliffe, Bangor

Monday, 10 September 2012

Cynnig olaf Last Chance

Mae Iolo Williams wedi cynnig diwrnod o wylio adar yn ei gwmni fel gwobr mewn raffl i pob aelod newydd sydd yn ymuno o Gymru. Ymunwch rhwng nawr a diwedd Medi 2012 a chewch gyfle i ennill diwrnod hefo’r dyn i hyn. Ymunwch heddiw  i gael eich gwobr aelodaeth ac i gael eich cofrestru yn y raffl.

Iolo Williams has offered a day of birdwatching with him as a raffle prize for new members joining from Wales. Join between now and the end of September 2012 and have the opportunity to have a days birdwatching with the man himself. Join today to get your membership offer and to be entered in the raffle.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Grŵp modrwyo SCAN ringing group

SCAN is amongst the more venerable cannon-netting groups. Originally formed in 1973, by a group of wader enthusiasts who were trained at the Wash, the name arose from the three main target areas for its members - including Shropshire (Canada geese, Golden Plover and Lapwings), Conway Bay and parts of Anglesey. The Group's targets have developed along with Welsh and UK conservation priorities, while maintaining our long-term efforts for the waders wintering in Lavan Sands. We monitor seabirds on Puffin Island and collaborate with BTO, RSPB and the Universities on specific seabird and wader projects. At the end of 2010 SCAN had reported more than 92,000 captures of 46 species, with significant long-term monitoring data for 10 of these.

SCAN catches waders using cannon and mist nets from September to February or March each year. All members of the group are volunteers, and new arrivals are welcomed, trained and put to work with patience and enthusiasm! If you are prepared to be wet, muddy, tired and fascinated and might be interested in joining us for a catch, a season (or a lifetime!) please get in touch with our Chairman Derek Stanyard ( or Field Organiser, Steve Dodd (

Mae grŵp modrwyo hefo magnel SCAN yn un o grwpiau mwyaf hybarch. Cafwyd ei sefydlu yn 1973 gan griw o fodrwy’r oedd hefo diddordeb mewn rhydwyr, ac oedd wedi cael ei hyfforddi ar y Wash. Mae'r enw yn canolbwyntio'r tair ardal a thargedau'r aelodau, Sir Amwythig (Gŵydd canada, Cwtiad aur, a Chornchwiglen), Bae Colwyn a rhannau o ynys Môn.  Mae'r grŵp wedi targedi ei ymdrech ar flaenoriaethau cadwraeth Cymru ar DU, tra hefyd cynnal arolwg tymor hir ar rydwyr yn gaeafu ar Draeth Lafan. Mae'r grŵp hefyd ym monitor adar y môr ar Ynys Seiriol, ac yng nghyd weithio hefo BTO, RSPB a prif ysgolion ar brosiectau arbennig. Erbyn diwedd 2010 mi oedd y grŵp wedi dal dros 92,000 o adar o 46 rhywogaeth, hefo bras data hir ar 10 o’r rhywogaethau.

Mae SCAN yn dal rhydwyr hefo rhwyd magnel a rhwyd fan o fis Medi tan fis Mawrth pob blwyddyn. Mae pob aelod yn wirfoddolwr, ac mae croeso cynnes i aelodau newydd, fydd yn cael hyfforddiant drwy weithio yn galed, myned, a brwdfrydedd. Os yr ydych yn barod i fod yn wlyb, mwdlyd, wedi blino, a dal bydoli yn y gwaith, ac mae gennych ddiddordeb ymuno am un daliad new am dymor neu am byth cysylltech hefo ein cadeirydd Derek Stanyard ( neu drefnydd gwaith maes Steve Dodd ( )

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Cerdyn cofnodi nyth Nest record card

Pan aeth Frank Jones o Lanfaglan i newid y ffenestri yn eu tŷ, cafodd syndod mawr pan wnaeth ddarganfod nyth aderyn y to yn y twll uwch ben un o’r hen ffenestri sash. Mi oedd y hen ffenestri yn y tŷ ers iddo gael ei adeiladu yn 1890 ac oes dim ffordd arall i mewn i’r twll, mond yn yr amser rhwng y saer coed ei gosod ar plastrwr yng nghae'r tyllau. Mae arbenigwr o brif Ysgol Bangor am gael golwg ar y gwair mae'r nyth wedi adeiladu o. A hwn yw'r cerdyn cofnodi nythod hefo cofnod hynna ar fas data'r BTO? Hmm rŵan beth wyf am roi ar y cerdyn?

When Frank Jones from Llanfaglan went to replace the windows in his house, he was surprised to find in the space above one of the old sash windows a house sparrow nest. The sash windows have been in the house since it was built in 1890 and there is no access possible, other than the time between the original joiner fitting the windows and the plasterer closing the gaps. A botanist from Bangor University will be looking at the grasses later on today. I wonder if this is going to be the oldest record in the nest record scheme.  Hmm now what do I put on this card?


Sunday, 3 June 2012

Cogau Cymraeg Welsh Cuckoos

Yn ystod yr wythnos mae gwyddonwyr o’r BTO hefo help gan Tony Cross o’r Ymddiriedolaeth y Barcud yng Nghymru wedi bod yn dal a gosod tagiau lloeren ar 5 o Gogau Cymraeg. Mae hyn yn adeiladu ar waith gwnaeth y BTO llynedd yn Norfolk. Mi fydd yn ddiddorol dros ben gweld os fyddant yn ymfudo ffordd wahanol i adar dwyrain Anglia, neu os fyddant yn gaeafu mewn rhan wahanol o Africa.

Mi fydd mapia byw ar wefan y BTO yn ystod yr wythnos, ac mi fydd yna gyfle i noddi’r adar neu i roi enw i un ohonynt. Cafwyd yr adar i dal yn ardal Tregaron a diolch i Gyngor Cefn Gwald Cymru am ganiatâd mynediad a modrwyo ar Gors Caron. 

During the past week BTO scientists assisted by Tony Cross of the Welsh Kite Trust have been catching and fitting satellite tags to 5 Welsh Cuckoos. This builds upon work started last year in Norfolk. It will be exciting to find out if our Welsh birds migrate via different routes to the east Anglian birds, or even if they winter in a different part of Africa.  

There will be live maps on the main BTO web site later on this week, and an opportunity to sponsor or name one of the birds. The birds were caught in the Tregaron area, and thanks to CCW for allowing permission to access and ringing on Cors Caron.

Friday, 27 April 2012

App i ffôn android App for android phones

Mae BirdTrack wedi lansio ap newydd i ffôn symudol android. Mi fedrwch roi eich cofnodion i mewn i BirdTrack yn fyw o’r maes. Os rydych am gymryd rhan yn agoriad Llwybr Arfordir Cymru ar Sadwrn 5ed, cofiwch roi eich cofnodion y mewn i BirdTrack i ni gael gweld y wledd o adar ar arfordir Cymru. Maer app ar gael yn

BirdTrack has now launched a new app for android Phones. You can now enter you sightings live from the field.  If you are taking part in the Welsh Coastal Path event on Saturday 5th May, remember to BirdTrack your sightings, and we can see what wonderful birdlife there is on the welsh coast.  App available at

Monday, 23 April 2012

Creuyrfa diddorol Interesting Heronry

Mae gan Len natur fyddin o wirfoddolwyr sydd yn darllen a chofnodi data diddorol o hen ddyddiaduron
Mae'r dyddiaduron yn dod o sawl man ac mae llawer o ddata diddorol a pwysig yn cael ei gasglu.

Mae un cofnod diweddar yn dod o ddyddiadur ddi enw o Abergele rhwng 1922 - 1944, ac yn nodi cofnod o Greyrfa ym Modedern, Ynys Môn yn 1925. Meddai’r dyddiadur  “ to Holyhead, visited Heronry at Treiorwerth, Bodedern, about a dozen nests, apparently eggs but failed to climb up. Other nests looked half finished”

Mae'r cofnod yma yn gynt na chofnodion sydd wedi casglu gan arolwg nythod Crëyr, ac felly dyma yrru’r cofnod I John Marchant sydd yn rheoli arolwg  Crëyr. Dyma John yn ôl hefo mwy o wybodaeth ddiddorol.
“Max Nicholson's paper from the 1928 survey lists this and Cadnant as the only heronries known to be active in Anglesey at that time.  The notes (British Birds 22: 291) say "+ 8 before 1907, 20 c1907, 10 in 1927". In 1928 there were subgroups of 4 and 2 nests: the first site was founded in 1876 and the second c1918, probably from Plas Tregaion (sic).  The reference cited is:

Forrest, H.E. (1919) Handbook to the Vertebrate Fauna of North Wales”

Mae'r data yma yn rhedeg o 1876 tan heddiw, sydd gennych gofnod i guro hyn?

                                                                                            llun/photo Simon Gillings

Llen natur has an army of volunteers who are examining and extracting data from Historical diaries. These diaries come from various sources and a lot of interesting and valuable data is being collected.

A recent record comes from a nameless diary from the Aberegele area for the years 1922  - 1944 and records a heronry at Boderern Anglesey in 1925. To quote the diary for 3rd March “ to Holyhead, visited Heronry at Treiorwerth, Bodedern, about a dozen nests, apparently eggs but failed to climb up. Other nests looked half finished”

This record precedes the existing Heronries survey so I submitted the record to John Marchant who organises the Heronries census, who came back with even more interesting information.
“Max Nicholson's paper from the 1928 survey lists this and Cadnant as the only heronries known to be active in Anglesey at that time.  The notes (British Birds 22: 291) say "+ 8 before 1907, 20 c1907, 10 in 1927". In 1928 there were subgroups of 4 and 2 nests: the first site was founded in 1876 and the second c1918, probably from Plas Tregaion (sic).  The reference cited is:

Forrest, H.E. (1919) Handbook to the Vertebrate Fauna of North Wales”

So this data set runs from 1876 to the present, can you beat that ?

Monday, 16 April 2012

Arolwg Crecod yng Nghymru Wales Chat Survey

Yn ystod 2012 mae BTO Cymru yn cynnal arolwg ar aelodau o deulu’r Crecod. Arolwg Adar sy’n Magu yw'r ffordd hanfodol o gofnodi a thracio newidiadau yn niferoedd y rhywogaethau yma. Ond mae rhaid cael arolwg mwy canolbwyntiedig i weld beth yw eisiau cynefinoedd y rhywogaethau yma. Mae'r arolwg yn cael ei chynnal o Ebrill I Fehefin a fydd yn cofnodi Clochdar y cerrig, Crec yr eithin a’r Tinwen y garn. Am fwy o fanylion yr arolwg neu i gofrestru a gofyn am sgwâr ewch i gwefan y BTO.

BTO Cymru are undertaking a survey of breeding Chats in 2012. BBS is the recognised method for producing trends in these species, but for a fuller understanding of their ecology a more focused survey is required to ascertain their habitat needs. The survey will run from April to June and will be recording Stonechat, Whinchat, and Wheatear . For more details of the survey or to register and request a square go to the BTO web site.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Hyfforddiant am ddim Free training

Hyfforddiant i wneud BBS am ddim yng Nghymru

Rydym yn cynnig hyfforddiant un am un i wneud BBS yng Nghymru – cofrestrwch yma! 
Buasech yn hoffi cymryd rhan yng nghynllun BBS yng Nghymru, ond buasech yn holi tipyn bach o hyder neu tipyn bach a polish ar eich sgiliau, mi allwn help.
Trwy gefnogaeth Cyngor Cefn gwlad Cymru rydym yn cyflogi tîm bychan o adarwyr proffesiynol i roi hyfforddiant un am un i wirfoddolwyr sydd â diddordeb mewn gwneud sgwâr BBS yng Nghymru.
Mi fydd ein hyfforddwyr yn ymweld â sgwâr BBS hefo chi and yn eich arwain drwy eich ymweliad cyntaf, egluro sut i gofnodi cynefin, arfer hefo mesur, cofnodi mamaliaid, a sut i roi eich data yn y system ar linell. Mae hyn am ddim ac ar gael i aelodau a ddiaelodau'r BTO.

Os oes gennych y sgiliau i adnabod adar cyffredin, ac am gymeryd mantais o’r cyfle yma ewch i wefan y BTO, a chwblhau'r ffurflen a fydd un o’n hyfforddwyr yn cysylltu â chi yn fuan.

Trainee surveyors. Photograph by Mike Toms

Free BBS training in Wales

We're offering free one-to-one BBS training in Wales - sign up here! 

Would you like to participate in BBS in Wales but just need that extra boost to your confidence or skills? If so we can help!
Thanks to the generous support of the Countryside Council for Wales we are employing a small team of professional ornithologists to provide one-to-one training of potential BBS volunteers on unalloacted BBS squares around Wales. 
Our trainers will arrrange to visit a BBS square with you and walk you through your first visit, explaining how to record habitat data, how to record birds in different distance bands, recording mammals and how to enter your data online. These sessions are completely free and are available to members and non-members of the BTO.
If you've got good identification skills for common birds and would like to take advantage of these training sessions, simply go the BTO web site and complete the form  and our training coordinator will contact you shortly.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Wild science day Diwrnod gwyddoniaeth wyllt

On Sunday 18th March Dr Rachel Taylor from BTO Cymru held a ringing demo at the Bangor University Botanical gardens, Treborth, Bangor. This was part of Bangor science week, Over 600 people attended the event with Rachel and her assistant Steven Dodd being kept constantly busy.

                                                                              Photos/Llyniau gan John Gorham

Ar ddydd Sul 18fed Fawrth mi wnaeth Dr Rachel Taylor o BTO Cymru rhedeg arddangosiad o fodrwyo adar , fel rhan o ddiwrnod gwyddoniaeth wyllt yn gerddi'r brifysgol yn Nhreborth.  Mi oedd ros 600 o bobol yn y digwyddiad a chadwyd Rachel ai cynorthwywr yn brysur.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Adar Taid.

Mae BTOCymru yn cydweithio â Phrosiect Llên Natur (Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd ) ar arolwg hanesyddol o'r enw Adar Taid
.Gofynnwn i wirfoddolwyr siarad â Taid, neu unrhyw aelod arall o’r teulu sydd yn cofio pa adar oedd ar ein ffermydd yn fuan ar ôl yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Wrth holi'r to hŷn fel hyn cawn ddeall yn well hynt a helynt yr adar dros y cyfnod. Efallai nad yw mor ddu a gwyn ac rydym yn ei ddychmygu.
Mae'n arolwg digon syml. Anfonwch y wybodaeth atom trwy e-bost neu lythyr.

BTO Cymru in partnership with the Llen Natur Project (Edward Llwyd Society) are running a historical survey called Adar Taid (Grandfather's birds)
Volunteers are being asked to speak to grandfather, or any family member who remembers which birds were on their farms shortly after the second world war. By enquiring in this way we can begin to grasp the trials and tribulations  of our birds during this period. Possibly things are not as black and white as we imagine.
It is a simple survey. The data will be sent back to us via e-mail or by post if you prefer. The forms are currently in Welsh but should you want one in English contact me.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Wythnos Blychod Nythu National Nest Box Week

Eisiau 100,000 o gartrefi gwanwyn yma

Yn ystod y gwanwyn mi ddaw dros 100,000 o wennoliaid duon adref o’i gwyliau yn yr Affrica, ac mi fyddant yn edrych am gartrefi i fagu teulu.

Mae llawer o’r adar eiconig yma yn defnyddio'r un nyth pob blwyddyn, ond i lawer fydd y safle nythu ddim ar gael eleni. Drwy gynnal a chadw ein cartrefi mae'r llecynnau nythod yn diflannu drwy ail osod toeau, a'r bondo.

Fel rhan o Wythnos Blychod Nythu 14- 21 o Chwefror, mae’r BTO mewn cydweithied hefo Jacobi Jayne, a chefnogaeth mudiad Cadwraeth y wennol ddu, yn calonogi i bobol osod blychau nythu i’r adar yma.

Dywedodd Jeff Baker o’r BTO “ Mae'r wennol ddu mewn trafferthion. Dros y degawd diwethaf rhydem wedi colli dros chwarter o’n parau nythu. Mae nawr yn amser addas i roi help llaw i ymwelwr yr haf yma, cyn i bethau fod yn rhu hwyr. Wrth osod blwch o dan y bondo mae yn bosib ail greu man nythu a chaif' i golli
Atebodd Edward Mayer, or mudiad cynghori'r wennol ddu “ Mae sawl ford o wneud eich cartref yn addas i’r wennol ddu, o flychod adeiladwyd i bwrpas wedi gosod yn eich wal, i rai mwy traddodiadol wedi gwneud o bren ai gosod yn y to. Mae yna ateb i fawd”, Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar ein gwefan 

Tydi wythnos blychod nythu ddim ond am y wennol ddu. Yn cael i lansio ar ddydd calon, mae hyn yn amser traddodiadol pan mae adar yn chwilio am bartner cyn y tymor nythu o’i blaen. Nawr yw'r amser gorau i osod blwch yn eich gardd. Mae sawl math, o’r blwch traddodiadol hefo twll 25 mm i ditiwod, i dwll 45 mm i’r ddrudwen. Am fwy o fanylion cysylltwch â gwefan y BTO 
  neu  cliciwch yma

                                                                                                          llun John Black
                                                                                                                                      llun Graham Roberts

100,000 homes needed this spring 

This spring, an estimated 100,000 pairs of Swifts will return from their winter holidays in Africa to once again grace the skies of Britain, and they will need somewhere to raise a brood of youngsters.

Many of these iconic birds will make their way back to the same nest that they have used for several years, but for some the old nest will no longer be available. As we repair our soffits, insulate the loft and replace the old roof with a new one we block-up the holes, nooks and crannies that provide Swifts with just what they need to make a home for the summer
As part of National Nest Box Week (NNBW), 14-21 February, the British Trust for Ornithology, in partnership with Jacobi Jayne, and with support from Swift Conservation, are encouraging people to put up nest boxes for these wonderful birds. 

Jeff Baker of the BTO, said, “The Swift is in trouble. During the last decade we have lost over a quarter of our breeding pairs so now is a good time to try and help this majestic summer visitor before it is too late. By putting up a nest box just under our eaves we can provide the much needed nesting space that has been lost.” 

Edward Mayer, of the Swift Conservation advice service, commented,“There are many different ways of accommodating Swifts on your property, from purpose made boxes that fit into a wall, to more traditional wooden boxes that can be fitted close to the roof. There really is a solution for everyone and every Swift, so go on, fit a Swift box this National Nest Box Week! You can find out how to do it at our website, 

NNBW isn’t just about Swifts. Launched on Valentine’s Day, this is traditionally the time of year when birds begin to pair-up prior to the forthcoming breeding season, so now is a great time to put up a nest box in your garden. There are many different types that can be used, from a traditional box with a 25mm hole for Blue Tits and Coal Tits, to one with a 45mm hole for Starlings. For more information, visit the BTO website,

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Max Nicholson

Max Nicholson – leading ornithologist, cofounder of the BTO, environmental revolutionary and giant of conservation.
There will be a talk by Geoff Radford to the North Wales Wildlife Trust and the Bangor Bird Group, Brambell Building, Deiniol Rd. Bangor Wednesday 22 February  7.30pm    

Further details from Kelvin at the BTO Cymru office or 01248383285

Max Nicholson - prif adarydd, cydsefydlwyd y BTO, chwyldroadwr  amgylcheddol, a chawr o fyd cadwraeth.
Mi fydd sgwrs gan Geoff Radford i aelodau Ymddiriedolaeth Natur Gogledd Cymru, a Grŵp Adar Bangor, yn adeilad Brambell, Ffordd Deiniol, Bangor. Nos Fercher 22 Chwefror am 7:30.

Am fwy o fanylion cysylltwch â Kelvin Jones swyddfa BTO Cymru
01248 383285 neu e-bost

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Digwyddiad diolch yr Atlas thank you event.

A thank you event is being held at the DVSC Naylor Leyland Centre, Well St., Rhuthin on the 18th February, between 10:00 - 14:00. Lunch and  general refreshments will be provided.

This will be an opportunity to show the highlights from the preliminary analysis of all the fieldwork, and to identify some final fieldwork to be done this year. It will also be an opportunity to see what other exiting projects the BTO have to offer now the Atlas is more or less done and dusted, but mainly it's an opportunity to say a big thank you for your sterling efforts, and a chance to catch up with friends and other volunteers.

Space is limited so book your place early y contacting Dr Anne Brenchley, RR for Clwyd east.

Mae digwyddiad diolch yn cael i gynnal yn Ganolfan DVSC Naylor Leyland, Stryd y Ffynnon, Rhuthun ar y 18fed o Chwefror rhwng  10:00 a 14:00. Fydd cinio ysgafn a panned ar gael.

Fydd hyn yn gyfle i chi weld penawdau o’r gwaith maes ac i weld pa arolygon difyr sydd gan y BTO i’ch diddori rŵan fod gwaith mawr yr Atlas wedi dod i ben. Ond y peth mwyaf  yw diolch am eich holl waith a chyfle i weld a chymdeithasu hefo ffrindiau a gwirfoddolwyr eraill.

Mae lle yn brin, felly cysylltwch hefo Dr Anne Brenchley y rheolwr rhanbarthol i Glwyd.